Wednesday 17 July 2024

Comparability Standard Validation


Comparability Standard Validation involves the academic assessment and evaluation of a whole University's establishment regarding its suitability to award degrees in accordance with the academic standard required by the Government's Accrediting Agency such as the Nigerian Universities Commission(NUC) of the Ministry of Education before awarding Degrees in accordance with Nigerian laws.

On the international scene, such function is being performed by the University of California FCA and several other professional bodies around the world of which WES of Canada is the famous among them.

This also includes the assessment and evaluation of the Certificate, Diploma and Degrees awarded by any tertiary institution to a student applying for admission into the University of another country.

The Academic Assessment and Evaluation Experts would carry on their investigation regarding the educational standard of the country, the University's facilities, Curriculum and the student's academic performance to compare with the foreign country educational standard and the Curriculum of the University the student wish to study.

This comparability assessment and evaluation exercise will result in determining the academic equivalence of the student's current academic qualification before gaining admission into the foreign University.

 In most cases, based on the equivalent result, the Bachelor Degree could either be downgraded to an Ordinary Diploma status in line with the academic standard of the University the student is applying for admission or may be exempted from part of the programme on gaining the Admission before advancing to Master's Degree programme.

Accreditation of Prior Learning And Experience Award

This form of validation requires the assessment and evaluation of an Applicant who had not received any form of formal education but very passionate to acquire either Diploma or Degree but seems impossible due to poor academic background. Take as an example, he or she is an expert in hotel management business without any academic or professional qualification in that field. This type of validation is known as "Accreditation of Prior Learning and Experience Award" based on UNESCO's rules.

On the other hand, it involves the evaluation and assessment of Individual's informal training and professional skills already acquired outside the Classroom studies and to be given the equivalent credit for direct admission into the tertiary institution either to begin from Level 100 or become exempted from part of Level 200 of the programme based on the evaluation and assessment result without passing through the normal Admission Procedure.

Consequently, like in France, there are two types of Graduates from tertiary Institutions. One is known as "Validation Des acquis de I,experience (VAE) which stand for "VALIDATION OF ACQUIRED EXPERIENCE". The other is to follow-up the required Procedure prior to admission; while the VAE model does not require University's Admission Procedure but any individual would be awarded either Diploma or Degree based on assessment and evaluation Result.

Based on this Development, the European-American University had been registered with the French Government based on the VAE Model Award for the evaluation and assessment of Prospective Applicant's Portfolio  either for Diploma or Degree Award dependent on the equivalent qualification  based on UNESCO rules as applicable in the United States and other parts of the world.

She awards Secular Degrees based on the VAE Model to her overseas graduates from France as the country of origin based on the fact that she is Tax Exempted in France recognized as one of the None Profit Organizations being a Religious University unlike in the United States where Tax Exemption is only for Religious Universities awarding Religious Degrees and not Secular Degrees.

As a matter of fact, she is the subsidiary of Western Orthodox University being her parent religious body. So she also maintains her religious status as None Profit Organization to award secular Degrees without Taxation.

Consequently, the University do establish her presence in other countries around the world wherever she would be Tax Exempted to award Secular Degrees in line with their Legislation in order to keep her fees affordable to the less privileged unlike other Institutions operating in higher Tax Rate Regions.

Friday 31 May 2024


 Most Universities and professional organizations around the world operate under Charted Status upgraded from the Accredited Status in order to become an independent entity exempted from the regular performance, assessment and evaluation checklist like the University of London and several tertairy institutions around the world, specially the private universities whose cost of evaluation and performance  assessment checks and the related fees are not subsidized quite unlike the public or government owned universities like the University of London being one of the private Universities in the U.K under Chartered Status.  Vicent University Owerenta in Abia State is  one of those private Universities in Nigeria under Chartered Status.

Consequently it would be seen as though those Chartered Universities are not Accredited having been exempted from the list of Accredited Universities like the University of London and Several others in the U.K and around the world.

In another development, the names of foreign Universities are not included in the list of those indigenous Accredited or Chartered Universities in most countries due to the dichotomy existing between foreign Universities and the indigenous Universities in terms of prospective foreign students patronage seeking to gain admission into any of those Universities in the host countries whose names are  published in the official Database and websites; but excluding the foreign Universities which the host countries official would regard as rivary institutions and instead will promote their indigenous Universities; unless the foreign University is legally  registered and incorporated to operate as one of those indigenous Universities with local Investors as a joint venture and not One Hundred Percent foreign ownership.

Consequently, the European-American University was legally registered and incorporated in Uganda as a Chartered University in order to award her degrees to African students at an affordable cost whose fees could be higher lf she is incorporated under the Charter in the United States her country of origin with higher tax rates.

Being a foreign Chartered University, she is not included among the indigenous list of the Accredited or Chartered Universities based on the afforementioned development.

However, the Ministry of External Affairs in the host country will provide such list of both foreign Universities and foreign companies based on  the Bilateral Cooperation Agreement reached between both countries; such list could be accessible through the Embassy officials of the foreign University's country of origin in the host country and not through the Ministry of Education of the Host Country dealing with the indigenous Universities Database.

However, it is necessary to indicate the region (such as State, Province, Kingdom etc) the foreign University registered in the host country to enable the Embassy official in the host  country carry out their verification through the Ministry of External Affairs in accordance with your directive.

Tuesday 27 February 2024


On the "Affiliated Campuses" of the European-American University's webpage reads:-

European-American University conducts no educational activities in Africa directly and no citizen of any African country is an employee or owner of the University. The University does not own or rent any form of premises in Africa, does not maintain any offshore campus or distance learning centre there, and is not part of any national system of education in any African country.

The above information implies that the University has given the authority to her international Partner's to treat any inquiry from prospective student within the African region; that the University will advise any  prospective student contacting them within the region to contact any of her Affiliated Campuses also known as "International Partners":directly which is indeed a welcome development. 

The information also indicated that the University is not part of any national system of education in any African country.

The above information takes the following analysis:-


The University was Incorporated in Uganda under her Royal Charter making her becomes authonomus and independent from any Government Educational Authority in any part of the world in accordance with UNESCO's rules.

The Charter would have been done in any of those Advanced countries but she chooses any of the African countries to avoid high taxation in order to make her Secular Degrees affordable to prospective African Students being the  subsidiary of the Western Orthodox University founded since 1945 immediately after the Second World War.

Any Chartered institution becomes self accrediting and independent from the Ministry of Education's stringent policy  and rules like the University of London and others in the U.K and in other parts of the world. (Check Google search Results for more details).


The aforementioned Institutions play significant role in the national educational sector regarding her manpower development, basic Educational infrastructure and technology transfer based on the Balateral and Multilateral Agreement signed with the host government by the aforementioned Institutions.

 This is however, Government -to- Government support  initiative and does not involve individual University directly: but  based on the national educational frame work through her Ministry of Education and her Accrediting Agency. Consequently, only the endigenous Government approved Universities would benefit from the scheme.

However, foreign University may be involved for her manpower development in the educational project through her Consultancy unit like the University of California FCA as Training Consultant involving the Staff of the Ministry of Education in the host country in order to operate her educational system effectively in conformity with international standard practices and in accordance with UNESCO's rules.


Foreign Investors in the educational sector would cooperate with other educational investors in another country to establish a joint venture University. In which case, they must follow all the due process in line with the host government parameters relating to foreign joint venture establishment and in cooperation with the Ministry of Education through her Accrediting Agency like the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) of Nigeria and the California University FCA of the  United States in order to be qualified for Degree award.

Based on this development, Development Aid Agency had been established in most advanced countries with the purpose of technology transfer through joint venture partnership to the Developing and Least Developed countries as classified by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Member Nations through project identification, Grants Award for pre-feasibility and feasibility studies on viable projects  that would be of Economic benefit to the host country and providing soft  loans with interest rate far below the conventional lending rates using Development Banks as intermediaries in the host country in which case, the Bilateral and Multilateral financial institutions become the key players.

However, it is not mandatory for every University on Earth  to operate as joint venture for her degree to be recognized in foreign countries. Educational joint venture establishment is based on individual's investor's initiative like  any other business venture.

Consequently, you do not expect every University to form joint ventures in foreign countries for her degrees to be recognized; so it also not applicable for any foreign University to form a joint venture in Nigeria for her degrees to be recognized.

Evidently, there are some thousands of government approved Universities around the world  that are not part of the Nigerian educational system yet their degrees are recognized in Nigeria provided they are verified by the National Youth Service Corps officials to award the NYSC Certificate as proof of recognition.


The Internet based institutions also known as On-line Universities are quite limited to the required basic  educational infrastructure and other relevant facilities on ground which are used as the main criteria for approval by the Ministry of Education as oppose to the campus based traditional Universities and other tertiary institutions.

Consequently, are automatically excemped from the Bilateral and Multilateral financial support initiative either directly or through the Joint Venture Partnership of the required basic facilities on ground as the basis for which the aforementioned financial support could have been made feasible.

Due to the increasing global Economic inflation, most Universities are going online back-up with sophisticated educational software including verious  forms of video conferencing and other online facilities bridging the gap between classroom and online studies. 

Aside from Engineering and advanced scientific courses that require personal contact, all other courses could be studying online limiting the cost intensiveness of the required basic facilities on ground, high cost of taxation, payment of dues to the Educational Authorities, high cost of labour wages and devoid of labour law infringement.

In the afamative, Lecturers are employed online locating remotely in any part of the world earning  far less  below the nationally approved minimum wage in the online University's country of origin.

Consequently,  operating Online University  is far more advantageous than campus based traditional University  which requires all the state of the art facilities on ground before approval by the Educational Authorities while it becomes irrelevant for the online University operation and would not require Bilateral and Multilateral financial support either directly or indirectly and cannot fit into the national Educational system within the African region and around the world like the European-American University; provided she had been legally approved to award her overseas degrees from her country of origin operating through the internet and through her Affiliated Campuses as every online operatives around the world in the digital age.

Saturday 14 October 2023



Three types of Agents are involved in the field of Education. 


This Campus is run by the University as a branch. Students of this Campus pay their fees directly into the University's Bank Account while she pays the Management and Lecturers and including the lecture hall. It is possible  to get Degree Certificate after graduation unless students who are unable to pay all their fees. Young Secondary School Leaves may flood this Satellite Campus considering it to be branch of the University or other tertiary institution.


 This Agent is directly appointed by the University as their Affiliate to run a Campus on her behalf.

 The University don't pay the Agent directly but gives  fixed rates so low to enable the Affiliate add his commisiom unto  the fees (based on the prevailing exchange rate in case of foreign University) to be paid by students  on each Degree programme and must run under a  registered business name as an institution. The Affiliate must indicate the business name and also indicate  for example, " Affiliated to University of ................".
Earning a University Degree is quite possible based on the following factors:. Students pay school fees directly into the business name Bank account recognized by the Bank, while the bank pays directly into the University"s Bank account either in  Nigeria or in foreign country of  origin as Direct Affiliate of the University.

 At the same time, if the Direct Affiliate  runs short of cash due to administrative expenditures (involving payment of Lecturers wages and other related cost),  the bank can raise short term loans (known as "Account Receivable Loans") to complete payment of the total sum required on the behalf of the Direct Affiliate and pays the total sum per student directly into the University's Bank Account for graduating students who had already completed all payment for award of Degrees  and then detucting from the Affiliate Commission through fees paid by other students on a gradual basis whenever the need arises because the bank is benefiting from the transaction on short terms loans with interest and through remittance of payment into the University's bank account specially in remittance through foreign exchange to the overseas University being the Payment Processor of the Direct Affiliate. 

So the bank earns foreign exchange through remittance  of payment and   would give any financial support the Affiliate required being the Direct Affiliate of the University through her Account Receivable mechanism to her own advantage. 

The Bank and the Direct Affiliate would agree on how much to deduct from the commission added onto the fees to be paid by the students so that it does not affect the principal amount to be paid into the University bank Account  from the other students..

However,  it is important to note that this financial arrangement is only between the Bank and the Direct Affiliate and not on the behalf of the University whenever such case arises and may not be in every transaction with the bank specially if the students are very  promt in making their payment on the average.

List of Direct Affiliated Campus  are always published on the University's website and remain as Direct Affiliate even for more than Twenty Years by maintaining good relationship with the bank, the Students and the University. Evidently, list of Affiliated Campuses of the European-American are still there on her website  from 2008 till date because there is no complain of students not receiving their degrees after graduation and names of graduates are published on her website for global view to be verified by both tertiary institutions and employers.


 Sub-Affiliate is someone working for Direct Affiliate as Sub-Agent. It is very risky to enroll with Sub-Afffiliate  for Degree programme based on the following factors:-

The Sub-affiliate may not operate on a registered business name but rather would use the name of the University to create the impression that he or she is running the University's Satellite Campus and not as Affiliation in order to attract students to enrolled specially the Young Secondary School Levers, considering as Direct Admission into the main University.
He or she   bergains  with the Direct Affiliate of the University who may only offer  him 50 percent of the school fees paid by students. Out of the 50 percent, he pays Lecturers and  School hall. 

Due to delay in payment of school fees by most students, he latter found himself owning lecturers, the hall used and could not meet up other adminstrative cost required based on the 50 percent assigned to him from the Direct Affiliate.
He could not advise students to pay into the University bank account as a Satalite Campus  since he has no direct dealing  with the University; but rather collect payment in cash and issues receipts to students. He would not let the students be aware that he is working for another Agent as a Sub-affiliate.
 Even though he owns a business account with a bank, cannot give him any financial support based on the fact that he is not a Direct Affiliate of the University but rather as a Sub-affiliate and the bank dont involve in third party deals  because of the risk involve based on the fact that there is too limited cash flow from his business account as most students pays directly to him In cash and not into the  business account. The bank can not give loan to the Direct Affiliate he works with since he has no direct dealing with them if he approached the bank for financial support.

Consequently, after accumulated debts incurred,  he ended up close down the school and relocate with the monies paid by students and cannot receive their degrees after graduation because he is owning the University some huge sum of money to pay to the Direct Affiliate and the students cannot contact the Direct Affiliate because he has not disclose such Affiliate to them since from  the beginning and cannot contact the University who has no direct  business dealings with him.
So it is safer to enroll with Direct University Affiliate using registered business name recognized by the bank  to be collecting school fees and whose name is also published on the University's website as Direct  Affiliate. In case anything goes wrong they can easily verify from the University officials.
On  the other hand, the SUB-AFFILIATES  should only referring prospective students to the Direct Affiliate to be  making payment directly to him through his business bank account and be paying the Sub-Afffiliate some agreed commsions on students introduced who may engage in online learning or take the full responsibility of paying for  the Lecturers wages and other administrative cost of the sub-Afffiliated Campus and he operates as the Campus Manager  and not  to run it on percentage basis as an independent Campus which is very risky.


The University may appoint a Direct Affiliate giving the Exclusive Right covering the entire country and may involve several foreign countries. That means he would be the only Direct Agent to deal with prospective students within the specified country(ies) in the Exclusive Agency Agreement. The University would direct all inquires within those countries to the Direct Agent and  may appoint his Sub-Agent in any country he would work with on commission basis. 

Most Universities appoint Sole Agent with Exclusive Right because it reduses  the work load on them and including advert and other related expenditures in foreign countries.

Wednesday 12 October 2022

Credentials Validation

Some institutions are engaged in the  Conversion/Validation of professional Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees through assessment and evaluation of the academic and professional standard and through affiliation with  tertiary institutions such as universities and polytechnics whose credentials are awarded by Private Companies and institutions (eg. Computer Training Centers, Engineering works, Nurse/Mid-Wifery, Security Training,  Skills Acquisition Training  and other Skills acquired  which combined  PRACTICAL and THEORY) without tertiary institution's Affiliation  as the Skilled Workers  are not recognized to be  at the same level with those sat for professional exams and  in the tertiary institutions; but the University's Affiliation makes the difference as the THEORETICALLY ORIENTED AWARD through the distance learning programme as implied in accordance with UNESCO rules (based on Accreditation on Prior Learning and  Experience Awards) without further academic work requirement but rather concur and validate the previous Certificate/Diploma's THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE as Dual/Reciprocal awards, considered as equivalent in accordance with UNESCO rules.

 Based on the fact that  there is no skill without theory including Capentry work which is studied in most Comprehensive Secondary Schools and colleges and the theoretical aspect of the skill could be studied through distance learning programme  as  work book.

Therefore,  any skill you acquired which you put in writing becomes the theory which could be studied through distance learning programme except the practical aspect which produce the theory. So practical and theory are one because the theory is combined with the practical.

Based on this development, if someone who  had  never being to school but produces a product seen to be very useful, but uses his native dialect to explain how he does it; while another person translates  into English  becomes a theory for us to study  in the Colleges and  universities and pass the exam to earn our Diplomas and Degrees with First Class and 2nd Class Honours.

But the question is,  "What  qualification do you award to the illiterate producer who cannot read or write in English before you come to earn your Diplomas and Degrees from his or her own  theory.

This is where UNESCO comes in to endorse  the Accreditation of prior Learning and Experimental awards which is binding on all member nations world-wide as the professional skills of the illiterate individual become his academic equivalence to be awarded either Diploma or Degree without classroom academic work attachment because the practical exams based on trial and errors using his energy, time and money  spent for research in order to produce the product, is far  more rigorous than the academic exams to be written in the classroom which is based on the illitrate producer's theory

 Therefore, becomes academically qualified for a Diploma or Degree award without academic work attachement based on UNESCO'S. rules.

This is based on the fact that most inventions we enjoy such as television, telephone, cars and several others were invented and improved  by individuals in the Advanced countries who cannot read or write and speak good English rather in their own native dialect and writings such as Germany, France, China, Japan, Spain etc. Most of their inventions were not studied in the Classrooms rather through years of individual's research work to produce them and are awarded Diplomas and Degrees based on their practical experience which UNESCO endorsed.

When they put them in writing in their own language and translate them into English it then becomes a theory for us to study  in our  colleges and universities to be awarded Diplomas and Degrees. In most advanced countries, you must study their own language at least for one year in the University during your studies abroad. So is the practical skill that matters and not the English Grammar that belong to the British.

See more details on the European-American University website and UNESCO Google Search Results for Accreditation on Prior Leaning and Experimental Awards.

Wednesday 5 October 2022

The Advantage of Direct University's Affiliation

We have reports from several students who had enrolled in distance learning programme with other tertiary institutions  but could  not get their Degree Certificates after graduation due to the problem associated with Sub-Affiliates as sometimes school fees paid by the students do not get into the hands of the University's officials as the fee  paid was to be transferred from the first Agent to the second agent before it reaches the university's officials; along the line, one of them may fail to transfer payment either to the next agent or to the university's officials  and student cannot communicate with the university officials directly unless through their Agents quite unlike Delcan Distance Learning  Consult and the European-American University's  Direct Affiliation.

Against this background, names of those who had concluded Degree programme are published on the university's website in view of the fact that if a student receives a Degree Certificate from any of her Affiliated Campuses in Nigeria, but his or her name is not published on her website then it  suggests that, the Degree awarded  is  fake  and the fees paid by the student was not received by the European-American University's officials abroad at the conclusion of his or her Degree programme.

This type of report is more synonymous with  Nigerian universities Affilation with indigenous  institutions involving third party Agents because most Nigerians are very eager to earn Nigerian University Degrees and falling prey to third party Agents; therefore,  victims would discourage  others for involvement in distance learning programmes because of their experience. This cause a great setback in distance learning involving degree programme. 

This is based on the fact that, it is very easy to find out the authenticity of the Degree awarded from the Nigerian institutions as students can easily visit their main Campuses for verification of the award; so Agents are afraid to forge Nigerian Degree Certificates in case of payment default  quite unlike in the foreign country  due to distance factor except names of  Graduates of foreign universities are published on their website for references to be verified by Employers and institutions online.

 Based on this development, some students enrolled in Nigerian institutions distance learning programmes do not receive their Degree Certificates in case of payment default by any of  their Coordinators; while foreign university Degree is synonymous with duplicated forgery  due to distance factor unless names of Graduates are published on their website for references which serve as payment evidence for Degree programme and also safeguide against forgery of foreign Degree Certificates.

We do however, grant  exemptions to such students by awarding either Ordinary or  Advanced  Diplomas depending on the years of study involved  if he  or she can produce  verifiable documentry  evidence  as   proof of enrollment  of previous tertiary institution  provided the course involved  is not pure science or any other course that could not  be studied through distance learning programme except at the main Campus; alternatively,  it could be exchanged for any Arts and Management course within the course outline of the previous institution attended.

Students who obtained either  our Advanced Diploma or from any other tertiary institution considered as equivalent, could enrol for Bachelor Degree programme for One year and Six Months.

Those who had WAEC/GCE "O' Level or equivalent, should enrol for Ordinary and Advanced Diploma before proceed to Bachelor Degree as to minimize dropped-out in Degree programme.

Those who had Bachelor Degree from any recognized tertiary institution, should proceed to Master on the same or similar course. But a different course requires our Professional Post Graduate Diploma before proceed to Master Degree enrollment.

The same rule applies to those who dropped out of school with considerable number of years of study.


There is no  Legal  implication regarding Conversion/validation of Certificates at any level; rather it legally conforms to the  "Accreditation of Prior Learning and Previous Experience Awards" as endorsed by UNESCO as detailed on the European-American University website and OXCEL "Legal" website.

Tuesday 4 October 2022



Most people who are not familiar with online engagement cannot distinguish between Yahoo Boys and professional Freelancers. These Freelancers also known as Remote Works are paid by foreign firms either on successful completion of job assignment or  placed on a monthly salary basis.

Some are engaged on part or full-time basis depending on the nature of assignment, while some are working as Commission Agents like us. 

Those who are ignorant of  this type of engagement would regard them as "Yahoo Boys" too  based on the fact that they do not leave their houses in the morning and going to work to return in the evening and do not have office apartment to show up but are living a very comfortable lifestyle that attracks suspicion, jealousy and enviness within their neighborhood who would identify them as  "Yahoo Boys" as online transaction looks very strange to many people like the POS transactions outside the banking hall as an innovation in the banking industry.

Their  job activities are carried out online using their Laptops, Android phones and Desk Top computers depending on the nature of job assignment.

 If interrogated by Security Agents  based on suspicion, they  can reveal the overseas company they are  working for and the online platform they registered to secure the job and other verifiable information regarding their online engagement.

Also, if it is a business entity, they can reveal every verifiable legal documents such as business registration Certificate  and including the foreign firm or institution for verification through the Nigerian Embassy Officials in their country of origin as to ensure a legitimate business engagement.

But that is not the case with the Yahoo Boys who keep their identity secret for fear of being arrested by Security Agents. They operate in different forms  with their computers as well use for scamming; but the most common among them is by indicating huge amount of money as a bait to collect the little you have and from   several others. Sometimes, use Agents who go about collecting money from others with the promise that the millions are coming and very soon you will be rich enough to come  out of poverty and also spread similar messages via SMS, WhatsApp and email.

They do not have specific product or service to offer as that would require official registration requirement from the Government. So they do their best to break every Government protocol as to hide their identity in  carrying out their fraudulent activities.

Sometimes they call you on phone to collect your bank details to empty your bank account pretending to be your bank officer. They use several methods to carry on their fradulent activities under the vail of secrecy quite unlike the online professional Freelancers and as Remote Workers who never hide their identity.

Comparability Standard Validation

  Comparability Standard Validation involves the academic assessment and evaluation of a whole University's establishment regarding its ...