Thursday, 28 October 2021


Reciprocal Agreement among tertiary institutions had been endorsed by UNESCO  as a means of fostering cooperation among academic  institutions of higher learning around the world. Under the scheme, a student in level 200 can seek for credit transfer to another institution either in the same or foreign country and be admitted at the same level. (You may google out reciprocal Agreement  among tertiary institutions for more details). 

In that case, it would resort to Dual Degree also known as Reciprocal Degree award;  that means,  a Graduate with a university degree from one school could as well be awarded another Degree of the other school on admission either on the same or another course as equivalent based on the  reciprocal agreement between the two institutions. 

Similarly, the European-American University had entered into Validation  Agreement (also known as Reciprocal Agreement) with universities in several Latin American  countries  and around the World including  the United States of America for Dual Degree awards and for the  global recognition of her Degree programme.  (See “Recognition” on her website for more details). In Nigeria, there are also Nigerian universities affiliated to several foreign universities based on Reciprocal Agreement. It makes it easy for student who  had a Bachelor Degree in Nigeria to begin his or her Master Degree programme in a foreign country of the partner institution. (You may google  for the list of foreign affiliated universities in Nigeria). 

Based on this development, students are prepared based on the Curriculum agreed by the two parties prior to the admission overseas. Outside the reciprocal agreement, the Bachelor Degree may  be downgraded to an ordinary Diploma level  overseas  due to academic standard differences between the two countries. 

Consequently, the student would start all over to read and pass his  or her exams in order to be qualified for the Bachelor Degree award of that country’s standard. 

Friday, 22 October 2021


Certificates, Diplomas and even Degrees could be awarded to any individual based on the recognition of prior learning and experimental experience as endorsed by UNESCO and approved by  other tertiary institutions globally. 

Such qualification will be recognized both in the government and private sector based on the following factors:

The awarding institution must be approved by the government in the host country through official registration.  

The Director/Proprietor of the institution must be a member of recognized professional body and in some cases as a Corporate Member using the name of the institution and not as an individual depending on the choice of the Director/Proprietor. 

The institution should be affiliated to a recognized University awarding  Degrees as its mentor after assessment of the credibility, qualification, legal status   and professional expertise of the Director/Proprietor.

For the purpose of references, the institution should maintain list of all registered students/graduates on her website.

According to law, the institution can only award both Certificates and Diplomas and not Degrees. 

Type of Certificates and Diplomas is quite distinct from that of the academic qualifications. Consequently, private institution awards, Graduate Diplomas, Professional Postgraduate Diplomas and others as equivalent to that of the academic diplomas award by Universities and other tertiary institutions.   

Most people particularly Africans think that only  Certificate,  Diploma and Degree could be earned  through academic works attached. But that is not true. UNESCO had endorsed academic qualification and credit earned based on the recognition of prior learning and experimental experience and not based on book work alone. Most inventions we enjoy today were not  studied in the classroom. It is from the inventions of those individuals with Primary Six Certificate and ordinary lab technician, we put  in writing and then become a classroom work for us  to earn Certificate, Diploma and Degree.  Now the question is  'The Inventor and the student in the Classroom, who is to be awarded Degree first?. Google UNESCO recognition of prior learning   experience and search results of other websites and including European-Amercan University website for more details.


Friday, 29 November 2019


Based on the Nigerian perspective, It is very necessary to acknowledge the fact that foreign universities graduates from all over the world do visit the office of the NYSC on a regular basis for the NYSC Certificate award request with regards to Bachelor Degree award, while most employers in the government offices and parastatals are not familiar with the names of those foreign universities and legal status.
Consequently, it requires the recommendation of the NYSC officials through the issuance of the NYSC Certificate for a proof that the foreign university is recognized by them after they had   verified its legal status and recognition in the country of origin in collaboration with the respective embassy officials and based on UNESCO rules which the NYSC officials would use as a guide to award her Certificate. 
Based on this development, all the affiliate campuses of the European-American University make it mandatory that all graduates with Bachelor Degree possess the NYSC LETTER OF EXCLUSION available only for part-time graduates after graduation according to NYSC new rules.
   Both universities started awarding degrees to Nigerians since in 2009 and in 2018, the names of both universities were not included in the comprehensive list oF universities and affiliated campuses across the nation awarding illegal degrees to Nigerian graduates as published by the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) based on the fact that those listed institutions were awarding degrees to graduates as locally printed out in Nigeria without being licensed and approved by NUC and without the consent of the foreign university they represent. (See list of illegal universities online)
  Names of graduates of both universities are published online on both websites for reference purposes under the heading “Register of Graduates” as all her degrees are printed in the Country of origin and not in Nigeria and in conformity with UNESCO rules.

Nigeria Universities Commission Approval (Nuc)


Based on UNESCO rules, any tertiary institution could be affiliated to any institution in any part of the world without restriction provided the tertiary institution awarding the degree had been licensed and approved by the government in the country of origin irrespective of the curriculum used. Based on the fact that the advanced countries are the topmost beneficiaries of educational export to the rest of the world  in terms of foreign exchange earnings and being the pioneers of  UNESCO. 

  Consequently, in Nigeria, there are no prior approval guidelines (in the case of NUC approval) involving foreign university affiliation with any Nigerian institution or firm based on UNESCO rules and same apply in any advanced country  and all over the world as member nation of UNESCO.  However, each member nation of UNESCO may have rules guiding indigenous university and local institution or firm for affiliation.  Evidently, list of all affiliations with Nigerian universities are published online without involving any foreign institution affiliation (See Nigerian universities  and affiliations full list online)


Tuesday, 15 October 2019


In the European Union, the United States and other parts of the world, is an established fact that when a tertiary institution or professional organization is granted “Chartered” status she automatically becomes self-accrediting and independent. Consequently, she is at liberty from government accreditation stringent policy and  rules unlike other tertiary institutions and professional organizations as  such institution or professional organization  incorporates to operate under the terms and condition of the charter as an independent entity  like a Limited Liability Company or Corporation be it a “Legislative” or “Royal” Charter.


Under the Legislative or Parliamentary Charter, a tertiary institution or professional organization  would be granted “Chartered” status by the national legislative arm of the government known in Nigeria as the National Assembly or House of Parliament (in cases of Parliamentary system of government like in Great Britain, Uganda, Israel and other parts of the world). Consequently, we have several “Chartered” organizations in Nigeria such as Chartered Accountants of Nigeria, Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, Nigeria Institute of Management and several others and likewise  applicable in other parts of the world. Evidently, Clifford University – Owerrenta in Abia State is one of such Chartered institutions in Nigeria. 

The Chartered institution would pay the required termly dues (in every three years or more) into the government treasury and not based on termly accreditation and performance assessment unlike other none chartered tertiary institutions and professional organizations whose performance are assessed on termly basis based on the fact that the chartered institutions or professional organizations are independent entity like Limited Liability Company or Corporation and based on the fact that government policy on termly accreditation and assessment of the institution can change at any time through different administration of governance in this era of democracy quite unlike the legislative or royal chartered institutions. 

Consequently in Nigeria, most private universities are operating under the legislative charter instead which may not be seen as government accredited because most people are only familiar with government accreditation and not legislative or Royal Charter.

                                  ROYAL CHARTER

Like the Legislative Charter, the Monarch of a kingdom receives the termly dues from the chartered university officials and pays part of it into the government treasury that grant the Monarch the autonomy based on the approval of the House of Parliament or Legislature. 
It is a common known fact that the Monarch is the king of a kingdom within a country whose kingdom becomes a subnational government with an autonomy granted by the national legislative body being an integral part of the country and not as an independent nation or state like Lesotho in South Africa whose autonomy was granted to her by the defunct apartheid regime being a Parliamentary government prior to her democratic era.   

Consequently, the terms and conditions of the autonomy granted to her by her national legislature must also include her educational policy which must be in conformity with the national educational policy or similarly in case of foreign university affiliation in conformity with UNESCO rules.
Evidently, in the United Kingdom, most of her universities were granted either Parliamentary or Royal Charter like the University of London and several others including several advanced countries and across the globe.
Based on this development, in conformity with UNESCO rules, the European-American University dealing exclusively on secular courses (as a subsidiary of the Western Orthodox University), was granted  Royal Charter in 2012  by the Monarch  in Uganda who was granted autonomy by the House of Parliament as a sub national government of Uganda like  Lesotho of South Africa  in order to award degrees exclusively on secular courses to prospective students within the African countries at an affordable cost which would be higher if she uses the Parliamentary  or Royal Charter from any of the advanced countries with higher tax rates.
Based on the fact that the Monarch was granted the autonomy by the legislative arms of the Government of Uganda, the University degree awarded under the Royal Charter is recognized all over the world based on UNESCO rules like the Queen of England whose universities degrees awarded within her kingdom under the Royal Charter are recognized all over the world (as it is applicable in other parts of the world) whose universities operate as an independent entity under the Royal Charter as a sub national government of Great Britain to whom was granted  autonomy by the British House of  Parliament.

Based on the independent nature of “chartered” institution, the phrase “…accredited by...” (NUC or any other government accrediting agency) is no longer applicable to most private institutions after the charter had been granted by the legislature in collaboration with an accrediting agency. In most cases, only government owned institutions are synonymous with the phrase “accredited by….” which serve as an identity for government recognized institutions unlike the private institutions in order to minimize the high cost of termly accreditation and stringent rules and regulations whose cost of assessment and termly due is not subsidized by the government quite unlike government owned institutions.  
Consequently, some people that are ignorant of chartered institutions rules and regulation would speculate that the institution is neither accredited nor recognized by government because it is no longer using the phrase “accredited by NUC” in case of Nigerian institutions.

However, it will interest you to know that there is no internationally acceptable standard for accreditation. Each country has its own standard for accreditation and varies from one State to another or from one Province to another in the same country based on the legislation of individual country. According to UNESCO rules, a degree from any country would be recognized in any part of the world irrespective of the standard of accreditation and curriculum used provided, the institution had been licensed and approved by the government in the country of origin to award degrees without discriminating against the type of government that rules be it Presidential, parliamentary or Monarch.    

Based on this development, both the Western Orthodox University and European-American University being her legal subsidiary, no longer associate with any national and international accrediting agency of any government either State or Federal and even in the Commonwealth of Dominica and Uganda based on the Royal Charter as it applies to other chartered institutions all over the world being legally an autonomous and independent institution having been incorporated under the charter.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

The Increasing Demand for Freelance Jobs with Degrees

The “Stay at Home and Work” jobs are  now on the increase ; virtually Ninety percent of the office jobs are going online in the advancement of computer and  internet  technology which is based on the following factors: As inflation increases in most countries  due to the ever growing populations, companies can no longer afford workers wages  and other associated cost. Consequently, advanced computer technology takes over most of those offline office job and perform online instead at a very reduced cost   compare to the traditional office offline cost.

Most jobs are contracted or giving out to be performed online by the  “Stay at Home” workers living in most remote  countries through the computer with fast internet access, who get paid on the completion of each job assignment without any national labour  law infringement .

Most Freelance jobbers are either paid on every two weeks or on a monthly basis depending on the number of jobs assignment completed and the total amount involved against each assignment.. Some are paid on hourly basis while others are on monthly basis.

                       Degree qualification and Professional Skills

The Freelancer should be a graduate with a Degree qualification   or equivalent  - At  least with  a Bachelor or professional qualification equivalent. Must have good track record of past completed assignments. Those awarding   the jobs are known as “Contractors’ and those taking over the assignment   are known as “Freelancers” depending on the management of individual platform designed for the Freelance jobs.
These Contractors consider the educational and professional background of each Freelancer before awarding the assignment.

This is where the Foreign Degree Comparability comes to play a key role regarding the foreign degrees awarded to the Freelancer which is used as a benchmark to determine who among   the Freelancers is qualified for the job judging from the educational and professional background. Most of these online jobs  are offered by the developed countries and would considers graduates with relevant degree equivalent based on their national standard while the Freelance may reside in any part of the world.

The Contractor places his job offer on the platform and the Freelancer place his bid quoting the amount  he or she wishes to earn  on the assignment and the former select from among the bidders (Freelancers) and chose the most qualified among them and assigns  the job. But in most cases, the Contractor may award the job assignment to be done by the higher bidder based on qualification and professional background and subsequent job completed.  So the degree equivalent and professional qualification counts so much  in the online freelance job.

Although Freelancer charge very less but loosing the bidding to the qualified bidder instead. While some Contractors that cannot afford high fees choose from the less bidders with considerable professional qualification and past completed assignment.
                      Professional Fees

Some platforms online demand your bidding on the job assignment  - for you to quote  your preferred fee; while others quote the amount  you will be paid on each job assignment with submission deadlines.

                         Type of Assignments

The types of assignment are articles writing jobs and most preferably computer related assignments including technical drawings. Therefore student must have a university degree on same or any discipline but with specific professional job skill .

                       Our Professional Support

Prospective students should enroll with us for degree on relevant course or in any discipline while at the same time he or she should enroll for part-time computer training for the online job skill required required; we shall send you list of websites of Freelance platforms and the most preferable courses on those  skill that Contractors are always looking for to assign.

Consequently, you stay at home and work online and earning wages in hard currencies like a company or staff. .

Our online support is free of charge to our registered students  based on several years of our  freelance job experience. This professional support is from the Management of Delcan Distance Learning Consult and not from European American University or Western Orthodox University 

Comparability Standard Validation

  Comparability Standard Validation involves the academic assessment and evaluation of a whole University's establishment regarding its ...