Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Degree Equivalent and Comparability

As unemployment continue  to rise in most countries  due to high rate of inflation, most graduates no longer make use of their university degree certificates in their country of origin but as the same time, there are lot of job opportunities in most countries enjoying buoyant economy. 

Foreign job advertisements are bombarding the media both online and offline demanding for foreign job applicants; but there is a problem; most degree certificates are not academically valuable in those countries with buoyant  economy where foreign job opportunities  abound according to foreign credential  evaluation experts and consequently, cannot meet up the  required standard suitable for employment at that particular job they are interested in.

Most graduates get frustrated abroad as one with a Doctorate Degree become devalued to Bachelor or Associate Degree equivalent. Consequently, most graduates get employed and earning poor salary working as a Cleaner, Gardener, Messenger, etc; the kind of job they had never thought about;  but   have no choice in a foreign land. Therefore they have to read all over again by enrolling with any of those institutions in those countries in order to upgrade their educational standard in conformity with the national standard of those countries while working overseas.  

National Economic Standard Evaluation

The educational standard of any country is dependent on her economic standard  from Primary, Secondary and Tertiary institutions and including the Military such as the Police, the Armies and other security agents  based on the fact that their institutions, teachers and students are maintained based on their own economic standard and based on the fact that the poorer the economy, the poorer the educational standard; consequently, their teachers earn poor salaries and cannot provide basic educational facilities and related  infrastructures and conducive environment for studies.

The rich among them would   send their children abroad to earn their college or university degrees. There will be too much dependent on foreign developmental aids from multilateral and bilateral sources such the Word Bank group, EEC, United Nations agencies  (such as UNICIEF, and UNESCO) and several others but will not be enough as population continue to increase in those countries so their demand will increase specially in war torn regions.

Based on this development, countries are classified into Three major categories by member nations of the Organization For  Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) based on individual national Gross Domestic Products (GDP) according to international press reports published in the '80's and '90's.   So we have   Developed, Developing and Least Developed Countries in the world putting into consideration the associate risk involved in terms of developmental aid packages.  Consequently, development assistance from Bilateral and Multilateral source is much dependent on the category the country belong . Take for an example, a  World Bank loan given to a country within the first category will have shorter term to pay off while that of the second category, will have longer term to pay and the third in the least category will have the longest term to pay and other terms and condition in the loan packages vary greatly from one category to another. Consequently, countries are not treated equally in terms of developmental aid deal specially from the Multilateral sources and likewise the donor quota varies against individual member country of the organization.      

Therefore foreign credential evaluation experts put into consideration these  factors based on the fact that the economic standard of the country also reflect on her educational standard dependent on her economic category. Therefore, the economic value and standard of the degree certificate is dependent on the awarding institution and the category of the county of orgin

Most graduates  enrolling in distance learning programme consider  the country of origin of the institution taking into consideration her economic and educational standard equivalent  among the developed and some developing  countries where foreign job opportunities abound either for employment or for further studies.

Foreign job opportunities are created based on economic factors; the more inflation increases in those countries, the more the demand for the importation of products and services specially from those developed countries increases .  In order to create foreign job opportunities in most factories and other multinational   businesses, most citizens enjoying buoyant economy, are upgraded to higher paid jobs positions creating vacuum for foreigners with the required qualification to occupy those vacant positions. Although the salary range earn by these foreigners is  considered low but have a very high foreign exchange rate- some upto two to three times the salary earned by graduates in their country of origin.  So earning the ‘HARD CURRENCY’ is the point of attraction to the foreign job seekers.       

                         Low Tax Offshore Regions

Most universities are established with  the Western educational  influence like the Western Orthodox University and European-American University as both names apply. The Western Orthodox University, which is the parent body of the European-American university  was registered in the Commonwealth of Dominican being one of those Low Tax  Offshore regions. The later had gained a Royal Chartered from the sub-national government of Uganda and Ghana making   it have a strong presence in West Africa region whose background is both  Italy and the United States being one of those developed countries in the world.

 Evidently, the Western Orthodox University is one of those ancient religious   institutions in the world accredited by Pontifical Terbarina Rome Italy during the reign of Pope Leo XII in 1829   and accredited by the Association  of Anglican Colleges and School in the United States in 1945

Her incorporation  in one of those Low Tax Offshore region (like other multinational companies operating in those regions) is to enable her offer her distance learning programme at affordable cost  to prospective students across the globe compare to other  distance learning institutions  from other countries. 

Against this background, foreign credential evaluation experts recognized both universities as those from the developed Western nations. Evidently, European-American University educational standard was comparable to that of the United States Standard according to evaluation experts of the California University.    


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